Medical Director
Dr. Ghassan Zein

Fellow, Harvard Medical School
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Prof. Babak Azizzadeh, MD, FACS

Facial Plastic Surgeon
Beverly Hills, CA

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Head & Neck Surgeon
Beverly Hills, CA

Jimmy S. Firouz, MD

Plastic Surgeon
Beverly Hills, CA

Joely Kaufman, MD


Dr. Ghassan Zein

Fellow, Harvard Medical School
Opthalmology Consultant

Prof. Jorge Alió, MD


Prof. Kenneth Wright, MD

Pediatric Ophthalmologist
Los Angeles

Prof. Stephen Foster, MD



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    Five Reasons to Consider LASIK

    At the Beverly Hills Medical Center of Kuwait, we have performed LASIK eye surgery on patients from all across the globe. In our years of experience, we’ve discovered some common reasons that people choose LASIK. Some patients dislike the look of glasses, while other are concerned for their well-being. Whether you suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, LASIK eye surgery may be right for you. If you’re on the fence about this revolutionary procedure, here are five good reasons to consider LASIK.

    Beverly HIlls LASIK

    1. Better quality of life

    Perhaps the most important reason people decide to undergo LASIK is because of the high-quality of life they experience after the procedure. After LASIK, many patients are relieved to not have to worry about contact lenses or glasses anymore. Activities that were once difficult to perform with glasses and contacts (such as running, swimming, or playing sports) can now be performed easily and without hassle.

    For patients accustomed to inserting and removing contacts every day, LASIK may seem like a blessing. Instead of having to spend time each morning carefully inserting contacts, LASIK patients can just get up and go. In a sense, LASIK eye surgery provides patients with an unprecedented sense of freedom and clarity. Once unburdened from their contacts and glasses, many patients experience a higher quality of life.

    2. LASIK saves money

    After paying for LASIK surgery, patients will experience a lifetime of great vision. Have you ever thought about how much money contact lenses and contact solution end up costing over the long run? With LASIK eye surgery, patients will not have to worry about constant and expensive vision upkeep. The surgery pays for itself after a few years. The same cannot be said about glasses and contacts.

    3. The procedure is fast and results are immediate

    LASIK eye surgery can be performed extremely quickly. In most cases, LASIK can be performed in under and hour, after which patients will experience very minimal downtime. After a few days, many patients can return to work with no side effects! In fact, LASIK is performed so quickly that filling out paperwork is typically the longest part of the appointment!

    4. The procedure is painless

    Many people are hesitant of LASIK eye surgery because they are afraid that it might hurt. Many patients may be surprised to discover exactly the opposite! During LASIK eye surgery, a patient’s eyes are numbed, and they will only feel a slight pressure as the procedure is being performed. To help patients relax even further, many doctors will provide a relaxing medication such as Xanax.

    5. It’s safe and easy

    Throughout the history of LASIK, there has never been a reported case of a patient going blind after the procedure. That’s because LASIK eye surgery is one of the safest procedures that can be performed. During the surgery, a tiny and incredibly precise laser cuts a small flap on the cornea, which is then reshaped for better vision. If any complications do occur during the procedure, they are usually very minimal and can be addressed with a simple fix.

    Contact the Eye Surgeons at the Beverly Hills Medical Center of Kuwait Today

    If you are interested in undergoing laser eye surgery performed by our VIP physicians, please contact the Beverly Hills Medical Center of Kuwait today. With their unmatched expertise, the doctors at BHMC Kuwait can provide patients with a LASIK procedure that is safe, fast, and painless.

    If you would like to schedule a LASIK eye surgery appointment with our eye surgeons, please contact us today at +(965)-222-89999.

    Next, read Top Ten Tips for Healthy Eyes.

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